Thursday, January 21, 2010

Filling the Gap, Drawing Nearer, What's Holding You Back?

For the next few weeks, I will be blogging excerpts from the book I am writing about those things in this life that prevent us from being as close to God as possible. My blog title reflects that I don't have an actual title for my book yet, but I know that will come with time and prayer. I would appreciate any feedback on my excerpts. I am not including entire chapters and the study guide information in the blogs, but you will know once the book is available for a complete study!

Excerpt #1:
Listen to me-there is something missing in all this. You long to be in a love affair, an adventure. You were made for something more. You know it.
-John Eldredge, The Sacred Romance
In national surveys conducted by Barna Research in 2007, it was discovered that “69% [o those surveyed] believe in God when described as the all-powerful, all-knowing, perfectcreator of the universe who rules the world today.” You would think that with such a belief, the average person would obviously experience a closer relationship with God. Yet, how many people do you know that minimally attend church, have no clue who their neighbors are and if they’re hurting, rarely turn to Scripture for the answers to life’s questions or respond Biblically to trials and challenges? Maybe you can see yourself in this description. Do you feel close to God? Is He your primary mentor and focus? Do you put more effort into your relationship with Him than any other? Why not? In my own life, I have found that the closer I am to the Lord, the better things seem to run. It’s not all goodness and light with bluebirds singing and the sun streaming in through the window. In fact, when I am closest to God, I am usually also battling the one who doesn’t want us to be close. Yet, through it all, my proximity to God seems to directly relate to the quality of my life, the value of my thoughts and the purposefulness of my actions.
I have struggled my whole Christian life not to wander from God’s side. I believe that is true for most believers. For me, acknowledging my ability to stray was the first step to drawing nearer to God. Discovering that there were multiple ways in which I strayed didn’t surprise me, but it did disappoint me. I have known the Lord since childhood and I feel certain that He has been willing to hold me close during all of that time. It is only my immaturity and pride that prevents our closeness. I hope that you discover to be true what has been made clear to me: when I am primarily focused on God and make Him the center of my universe in every aspect of my life, my time on this earth seems so much more meaningful! 
…let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 
Hebrews 10:22-23

God bless your day!


  1. Hey Mrs. Hempton! Looking forward to following the book you're writing!

    Karis Brown

  2. Hey Beth, Just trying a comment. I tried to leave one yesterday and I watched Karis leave one too. Looking forward to reading your blog. Your photographs are very pretty!

  3. Thanks for commenting, Donna. I moderate my comments so they don't show up immediately. I feel the need to do that because I have seen so many wonderful blogs where people have left inappropriate comments. I have a number of youth who read my material, primarily due to my writing classes, and I really don't want to expose anyone to anything unworthy!


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